Dear JJ @ Ricky,                           Date:1-22-2005

     Sons, I just want you to know that I love you and everything that has happened and the time I have been away from you I am sorry. I wish I could go back in time and had made different decisions, so be it. All those years I tried to be a Good Father but I was a lousy mate to your mom. Instead of trying to understand her I fought her. Instead of loving her and cherising her I Judged her. In the year 2000 when I lost everything from the Y2K scare and I was always  borrowing money from you to just buy milk I remember you telling me that you didn't care about things but as long as I was there.. then I ended up in Joe's Jail, then lost the house at Hillary Drive in Scottsdale, lost all my clients then I lost my direction. I know I keep on saying that I'll get it all back but no avail, I keep on floundering, barley surviving, I am to old for a decent company to hire me.

   I have to keep the faith, I have to keep the energy up to fulfill your destiny as Cosmoteer's.  I have to believe in the Truth or Die trying to achieve it. The Truth is the bedtime stories I used to tell you about a man and his 2 sons who are looking out and seeing earth below that's the Truth. I have tried in the past 3 years more than once to peddle the treatment of "Hard as Rock" taking the redeye Greyhound from Phx to La to go to those movie pitch sessions were you're allowed 5 minutes with movie executives looking for the next good script.  I guess I just don't have the skills for pitching.  But I will tell you about my past, as I sit at the Verde River the night air is getting cool, I can hear the swishing of the river, the bop-bop music of the mexicans at the next camp.

    Please Sons don't give up on your dad, the memories of my Dad are embedded in parts of my brain that I keep locked away. I promise you Today that I will toil harded than anything I have ever done in my life. I just have to get my Rythm of  Life back.. I have to raise myself from the dirt where I have fallen and I keep digging the hole bigger every time I try to get on my feet. I created "World Space League" for you two, I remember when you would sit next to me when your were 4yrs old, 5yrs old, 6yrs old, Dad tell us a story.."Tell us about the a Father and his sons riding the rocket.." 

    The path is before me and job will be hard but I want you to know all about me and my past so listen as I tell about the past and hopefully when the future is here and  Truth is part of Today.


I love you Ricky & JJ

Daniel Robert Rodriquez                                                                                    Loving Father

Sons please read,